Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Day 75 - Oxygen Air Blender, 35ml Milk Feeding

Boy, you are on oxygen air blender today since morning. Because you are doing well, the nurses do not switch you to CPAP alternately.

I managed to speak to Doctor Choo and Doctor Yip today. They are positive with your progress. They will arrange you for the hernia repair surgery when your weight cross 1700g. Your PDA is confirmed resolved by itself as well. 

Your feeding has increased to 35ml every 3 hours. Please continue to do well as I believe you need higher volume feeding for better growth.

Your mom has resumed to work since last week. She is pumping breast milk at the office and at home while need to handle tremendous office tasks and spend time visiting you at NICU.

Your good progress will definitely help in relieving your mom from being worry or emotional. She cares of you very much.

Good night & God's bless!

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