Friday, March 13, 2009

300+ posts of Marcoblogs are indexed by Google

As my previous post mentioned, my January 2009 Adsense performance was really a disappointment. With the less than 1000 page impressions, I realised that it is a need to do something to drive my blogs traffic.

Because with limited traffic, I would not be able to convey the key messages to the world. If you're the following my blogs either Health & Beauty Tips or Self Help, you will know that 'work life balance', 'family value', 'natural treatment to cure cancer/ diseases' as well as 'how lifestyle contribute to our general well-being' are most focused.

It has been almost a year since my last login to Google Webmaster Tools. I found that only the latest 26 URLs in the atom.xml sitemap are submitted for indexing. Meaning that no matter there are 100 or 999 URLs in the site, only the 26 latest URLs will be contained in the sitemap. After some research via the Internet, finally I managed to include all the URLs in my blogs in the sitemaps. Now, total of some 300+ posts under 3 of my blogs are indexed by Google as compared to merely 78 (26 X 3) urls in the pasts.

Hopefully with more URLs being indexed by Google will be able boost the traffic significantly.

1 comment:

spBlogger said...

Google also increases my blogs index pages over time.


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